Good Dog Program
This is a great program for someone interested in building a great relationship with their dog. This program begins the foundation work towards a well-trained dog. A dog that not only listens when he is on leash, but is also reliable when the leash is off. We teach you how to improve your dog’s behavior in and outside the home. We teach the importance of becoming your dog’s leader or coach and why and how to instill boundaries within your home. We help you master the walk, so your dog’s focus is on you. We teach basic commands such as come when called, place, sit, down, stay, walk on a loose leash, wait at all doorways. We provide handouts and work on a routine for you to follow that helps you build a successful relationship with your dog.
Program Includes:
- 2 Hour initial lesson
- 3 follow-up lessons, 2 at our place, 1 public place.
- Leadership Skills
- Handling Skills
- Leash Etiquette / Manners
- Sit
- Down
- Stop Barking, Counter Surfing
- Wait at all doorways, including car door
- ‘Place’ Command – Teach your dog to go to a specific place
- Off (get off people, counters.)
- Confidence Building
- Drop it
- Leave it
- Reliable Off Leash Recall
- Socialization
- BONUS : Place board and all training equipment
- BONUS : Group Pack walk
- BONUS: Unlimited E-mail & phone support